CMR Special

Please introduce yourself.
Bro: My name is BRO81, my crew is CMR. Like a family with Masker, Wronk and Vice. It's my brothers baby. Me and Vice are train addicted idiots. Masker is interested in all the art stuff, tags and throwups also. Wronk is street walker, right now, but he used to bomb a lot of trains too. Me and Wronk once painted 7 wholecars in 7 nights back in the days.
When did the graffiti movement in your country start?
Bro: I think the first pieces here appeared in 1990 or 1991. Maybe before. First pieces I remember were in 1991 or 1992, when I was 10 years young. I started to make sketches and tags when I was 12.
Which role does the capital city Prague play in your country when it comes to Graffiti?
Bro: The scene here is the biggest in Czech, also the styles are the best in here, but a lot of talented people are in other cities too, of course. Here you can catch better influence when you start to write. Maybe here it's easier to begin here.
Which role do you play in Prague graffiti?
Bro: My crew is one the most active crews from the older generation of writers. We still try to be active as much as possible, but it's hard though. Also T.O.P. are quite active. The problems is with some young toys, who don't know shit about the respect etc... they paint over our pieces and they don't care. Last week, a 14 years old guy came to me and told me he can get me to a yard to paint. It was so damn funny, cause I was painting that spot when we was 5.
How about subway action these days?
Bro: We have a really small subway system here; just 3 lines. So there is not so much possibilities as you have in bigger cities and subway systems. We have sensors and security. I have no energy to stress myself with opening the air-condition tunnels and brake the doors or hide in the tunnel in Prague subway. It's almost impossible to paint subway here now. It's over. I remember when in 1996 all trains on B line where painted end to end.
What do you like most of your hometown?
Bro: Commuter trains. There is no other city with this train. Also the street atmosphere is cool here. Beer, girls. But I hate cameras everywhere in the streets of Prague, that's why I paint more trains than street spots.
I do graphic design. You can do graphic design in the wood or cottage, but the city gives you more for this. I like to travel around Europe and feel the atmosphere of the cities all over. Berlin, Paris, Barcelona and Napoli are cities in Europe with the best atmo for me. Also eastern cities like Bucharest and Sofia are cool and so different.
I do graphic design. You can do graphic design in the wood or cottage, but the city gives you more for this. I like to travel around Europe and feel the atmosphere of the cities all over. Berlin, Paris, Barcelona and Napoli are cities in Europe with the best atmo for me. Also eastern cities like Bucharest and Sofia are cool and so different.
What about graffiti tourism in your city
Bro: I care to hook up with tourists, cause I like to travel to other cities myself. It's always a good feeling to help someone to paint or to make a good party with some unknown guys, who change to a friend over night. We made cool party with DIAS crew from Napoli, after an unsuccessful action on commuter and it was great.
How well organized is anti-graffiti police in your city?
Bro: We have a lot of cameras in the streets; some parts of the city are cleaning the tags and silver pieces really fast. I think the police don?t care too much, because in theory they know almost everything.
Have you been to Germany?
Bro: Yes. For sure I like Berlin a lot. I painted a lot of panels in Berlin, also Hamburg is cool. I have nice friends in Germany. I did my first s train in Berlin with Ruzd R.I.P. and Blunk from TOP in 2000.
Where else in the world have you been?
Bro: I only travel in Europe, cause I have no money to go over. But I was in Barcelona, Toulouse, Paris, Copenhagen, Hamburg, Berlin, Dresden, London, Warsaw, Bratislava, Bucharest, Sofia, Naples, ?
Which role does graffiti play in your personal live?
Bro: I live graffiti. I don't think I will be the same forever but now it's main part of my life. I paint for 12years now which it's half of my life.
How does a typical day in your life look like?
Bro: Wake up. Late as usual, at about noon. Breakfast, go out with my dog. Go to office where I work. Chill all day in the job with the friends and my dog... go to the station for flix or video of our panels. Meet Vice, speak about cans for the night or go to paint in the afternoon. Go paint, go drink a beer and go sleep... everyday is different but some of them are like this.
What is the coolest action you have ever had?
Bro: The coolest think is Prague?s commuter trains. The old ones; blue and grey with red doors. Also the old subway; grey with red doors. I don?t know about coolest action, some were really smooth and some were hard to escape, but I like them all.
Did you ever get into trouble that could have cost your live?
Bro: When I started to paint a lot of street pieces in 1999 or 2000, I used to paint a lot of rooftops too, so in that times there were a lot of strange moments. Also with Ruzd in Berlin, running in the tunnel of U-Bahn with no covered 3rd rail with no light and meet train in the same time.
Are you specialised in some particular aspect of graffiti?
Bro: I like to do all of the illegal stuff, also legal walls are cool in the summer and when it?s really chilly. I have different periods of writing; some months I paint only street but these days I paint mostly trains.
Which Czech graffiti mags, websites, videos should guys check out?
Bro: There used to be the Terorist magazine. At you can check PDF mag which is high quality work of Dize, Crap, Masker, Mosd, Dity and others. ?Kick the shit? video was together with Terorist magazine but its over now. So we did Quality Control in 2003, Quality Control 2 in 2004 and Quality Control 3 (together with CantStopFanatics) in 2005. Check it!
Any greetings, shoutouts?
Bro: Thank you for place and for support to graff scene.